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(The Catholic University of Eastern Africa., 2024-05-06) THEOPHILUS CHANDO
This thesis analyses Aristotle’s Political Theory. According to Aristotle, political leadership must be based on a strong moral foundation. A political leader’s role is to dispense justice in all its aspects, and this includes distributive, commutative, and restorative justice. A political leader without a good moral character is a bad leader. The State, is primarily a moral institution, whose main role is to train citizens in moral virtue, and to ensure that each person’s character accords with the demands of virtue. For this reason, leaders must educate citizens to desist from pursuing the base pleasures, and should themselves lead by example. State power is for the service to all citizens, and only a person of virtue has the disposition to make this happen, as well as to ensure that wealth is used for what it is really meant for, that is for the physical wellbeing of citizens, and to dispose them for virtuous life. A person who is not trained in virtue cannot, therefore, be a good political leader. For Aristotle, therefore, politics is not for people with questionable moral character, but is for those whose moral aptitude has been tested and proven. Without this, any leader is bound to destroy the state he is supposed to protect and nurture.
(Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2022-02) Martinus Nangwasha; Njuguna Waitherero
This article aimed to explore the concept of the human authentic living. It stresses on the why acting authentically promotes personal well-being and overall fulfilment which then leads to stronger interpersonal relationships. The article was motivated by the growing nature of inauthentic life-styles that most people are living, especially in contemporary times. The inauthentic life style has affected people badly because it causes them to stay away from the truth and true image of themselves. The common definition of authenticity is to live one’s life according to one’s beliefs, goals and values. One has to identify his or her important values in life, commit to them and work according to them. Authenticity means that one is true to one’s principles and values despite the pressure one has to endure in life. When one is true to oneself, he or she has much trust on own judgements and decisions. When one trusts oneself and does what is right, one can realize full potential in life. Heideggerian phenomenology and Sartrean existentialism reveal that the role played by authenticity in prompting the adoption of an authentic attitude, liberates one. It gives one the freedom to break free of learnt behavior and rise to the highest self. Being authentic gives one the confidence to see oneself for who he or she truly is, and bask in one’s uniqueness. Consequently, the importance of authenticity for self and society is immense. This article established that authenticity is positively related to life satisfaction and physical well-being. Also, acting authentically promotes personal well-being and overall fulfilment, and leads to stronger interpersonal relationships. The point of departure is that the term “authenticity” refers to being real, genuine, or true. This research was carried out in Library based on philosophical literature. Interpretivism research methodology was employed. Interpretivism is a branch of epistemology that is focused on the assessment of the differences between human as social factors
Tea Drinking Attitude and Tea Addiction Symptoms among Kenyans
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2022-05) Joyzy Pius Egunjobi, Ph.D., Dr.AD; Stephen Asatsa, Ph.D
Kenyans are known to consume lots of tea. This study investigated Kenyans’ tea drinking attitude and the possible traces of tea addiction. A correlation design was employed by using an online questionnaire to obtain information from 335 respondents who participated through voluntary sampling. The data were analyzed using descriptive inferential statistics. It was found that majority of Kenyans (95.3%) are tea drinkers with about 76.4% moderately consuming 1 to 3 cups of tea daily in the morning hours. There was no gender disparity in tea consumption. Addiction symptoms were experienced by 41% of Kenyan tea drinkers who experienced withdrawal symptoms such headache, tiredness, and disorientation, 49.1% craving for tea, 16.5% unable to stop drinking tea, and 36.9% feel stimulated by drinking tea. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of teacups consumed per day and addiction symptoms at Pearson correlation coefficient r (335) = .355, p < .001. It is recommended that while tea drinking is legal, those who experience loss of control over tea drinking and withdrawal symptoms should seek professional help.
Social Networking Sites and Their Influence on the Self Esteem of Adolescents in Embu County, Kenya
(Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research (JEPER), 2015-01) Virginia W. Nyagah; Dr. Asatsa Stephen; Dr. Jonathan Muema Mwania
As technology improves and advances, social networking sites have an even bigger impact on society and human relationships, both positive and negative. Social networking sites have influence on teenagers in the way they develop socially. The way teenagers are connected to these global SNSs is both a frightening prospect for parents and educators and an intriguing area for social science research. Further there is no comprehensive knowledge of the activities adolescents do on these sites as well as how they impact their social life. This study therefore sought to specifically investigate the influence of social networking sites on the self-esteem of adolescents in secondary schools in Embu County Kenya. The researcher adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population of the respondents for this research was secondary school students and teachers in Embu County. Random sampling technique was used to select five boarding schools for the study sample. From each school, fifteen students and three teachers was selected for each unit of analysis to make a total sample of one fifty students and 15 teachers selected from the target population. The data collection instruments designed for the researches were questionnaires, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, and interview schedules. The questionnaires and Rosenberg self-esteem scale was designed for the students while interview guides were for teachers. Data collected was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The study concluded that almost all the students use social network sites, therefore that social networking is very common among students who are in secondary schools. Facebook topped the list of the most common social site used by secondary schools students. The study further concludes that various students have different motivation for visiting the social networking sites. The study further concluded that social networking influence the self-esteem and psychological wellbeing of secondary school student. The study recommends that secondary schools students should be given guidance and counseling on how to positively utilize the social networking sites to their advantage and not to have a negative impact on their self-esteem.
Relationship between Family Cohesion and Teenage Sexual Behavior in Public Secondary Schools in Kajiado County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2021-10) Juliana Anyango Nyaguti; Stephen Asatsa (PhD); Josephine Muthami (PhD)
This research aimed at examining the relationship between family functioning and teenagers' sexual behavioral patterns amongst students in public secondary schools in Kajiado West sub-county, Kajiado County, Kenya. The research used survey design with a target population of 6085 students from public secondary schools. Based on Yamane's formula, the sample size of 375 students was selected by simple random sampling to participate in the study. Data were collected from this sample using standardized questionnaires; the Family Assessment Device (FAD) and the Adolescent Clinical Sexual Behavior Inventory (ACSBI-S). Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Independent t-Test and Correlation analysis. The findings indicated that there was statistically significant positive correlation between family cohesion and teenagers’ sexual behavior. Family cohesion had a positive correlation with sexual knowledge at r=.200; p-value= .000. Therefore an increase in family cohesion has a corresponding positive influence on the student sexual knowledge. Family cohesion on the other hand had a positive and significant correlation with sexual interests (r=0.135; p= 0.11). The findings imply that family cohesion could be used in regulating some of the sexual behavior domains of teenagers.