KINUTHIA, ANNPLOSA NJERI2024-01-042024-01-042023-09http://localhost:4000/handle/123456789/170DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEGREE IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNINGThe purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the head teachers’ leadership skills on the implementation of Health and Hygiene safety programmes in public primary schools in Muranga South Sub-county. The study was guided by the following research questions: To what extent do the Head teachers’ interpersonal skills affect the implementation of Health and Hygiene safety programmes in Muranga South Sub-county? To what extent do the Head teachers’ technical skills affect the implementation of Health and Hygiene safety programmes? To what extent do the Head teachers’ communication skills affect the implementation of Health safety programmes? What is the attitude of Head teachers towards the implementation of Health and Hygiene programmes in schools? To what extent have the Health and hygiene safety guidelines from the MOE safety standards manual been implemented in public primary schools in Muranga South sub-County? What are the underlying challenges that affect the implementation of health and hygiene programmes in schools? What strategies are the head teachers taking to overcome the challenges affecting implementation of Health and Hygiene safety programmes in their schools ? A convergent concurrent parallel mixed methods design was adopted, specifically the parallel-databases model. The target population consisted the Head teachers, teachers, pupils, District Quality Assurance Officers (DQASO) and officers in the Ministry of Water and Sanitation ( MPH&S) in Muranga South Sub-County. The study employed stratified random sampling, proportionate, simple random and purposive sampling procedures to arrive at a samples of 35 schools,35 Head teachers, 285 teachers, 380 pupils, 3 DQASO and 2 MPH&S officers. Questionnaires were used to collect data from Head teachers, teachers and pupils, while interview guides were used to gather information from Head teachers, DQASO and MPH&S officers. Observation guide was used to gather data about Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in the sampled schools. Document analysis guide gathered data from documents such as syllabus, timetable and school strategic plan .Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS (version 23)and then presented inform of frequency tables, bar graphs and charts. Qualitative data analysis adopted a content and thematic approach. The study findings revealed a statistical significant positive relationship between head teachers’ leadership skills and the extent to which MOE health and hygiene safety guidelines had been implemented in public primary schools in Muranga County. The study also revealed that Health and Hygiene safety programmes had been implemented only to a minimal extent in Muranga South Sub-county. A myriad of challenges had derailed the implementation process including: lack of resources, uncooperative parents and conflicting priorities among others. The study recommended that: Emphasis should be placed on building head teachers’ capacity on the leadership skills as well as mobilization of adequate funds necessary for effective implementation and sustainability of Health and Hygiene safety programmes in schools. In addition, there is need to sensitize stakeholders especially parents on the importance of supporting Health and Hygiene safety programmes in schools.en-USINFLUENCE OF HEAD TEACHERS’ LEADERSHIP SKILLSIMPLEMENTATION OF HEALTH AND HYGIENE PROGRAMMES IN MURANG’AINFLUENCE OF HEAD TEACHERS’ LEADERSHIP SKILLS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HEALTH AND HYGIENE PROGRAMMES IN MURANG’A SOUTH SUB-COUNTY PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS, KENYAThesis