NYAGA, JOSEPH MURITHI2023-12-182023-12-182023-09http://localhost:4000/handle/123456789/77Master of Arts Degree in Counseling PsychologyThere is considerable research on the correlation between parenting styles and various aspects of adolescents' lives, such as academic performance, drug abuse, and behavioral changes. However, there has been limited focus on how parenting styles influence avoidant personality traits. This study main aim was to assess the influence of parenting styles on avoidant personality traits among students in public secondary schools in Embu East Sub County. To achieve this the study was guided by the following objectives; to determine the influence of authoritative parenting style influences avoidant personality traits among students in public secondary schools in Embu East sub county; to assess the impact of authoritarian parenting style on avoidant personality traits among students; to examine the influence of permissive parenting style on avoidant personality traits among students in the identified schools; and finally, to explore the influence of uninvolved parenting style on avoidant personality traits among students in the same schools. The study was guided by three theories; Social learning theory, Person-centered theory, and Reality theory. The research utilized a mixed method by adopting a descriptive research design. It targeted a population of 2403 from form three students in Embu East Sub County. Yamane's formula was used to arrive at a sample of 343 respondents through simple random sampling. The validity of the study tools was assessed through expert judgment and peer reviews, while Cronbach's Alpha was used to test for reliability. Quantitative data was coded and analyzed using SPSS version 25, generating frequencies, percentages, and inferential statistics, which was presented in figures and tables. Qualitative data was thematically analyzed and presented in a narrative form. Key findings from regression analysis showed that authoritative parenting style had statistically significant impact on avoidant personality trait with (p = 0.000) at 0.05 significance level. The independent variables describe 55.7% of the total variances of predicted variables and finally uninvolving parenting variables have statistically significant impact on avoidant personality trait among the students. This study concluded that, avoidant personality traits among the secondary school students in Embu East Sub County had been influenced by the parenting styles. The study established low forms of avoidant personality traits among the students whose parent employed authoritative parenting styles, while there were evidence of higher forms of avoidant personality traits among the students whose parents employed permissive and unresolved parenting styles. The study proposed a further study can be done on possibilities of looking on parenting styles from the parents’ point of view.en-USPARENTING STYLES AND AVOIDANT PERSONALITY TRAITSPERSONALITY TRAITS AMONG STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLSPARENTING STYLES AND AVOIDANT PERSONALITY TRAITS AMONG STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EMBU EAST SUB-COUNTY, EMBU COUNTY KENYAThesis