KANGALAWE, CONSTANTINE RAPHAEL2024-01-032024-01-032019-09http://localhost:4000/handle/123456789/159ThesisThe purpose of this study was to explore on the Assessment Used to Measure a Competency Based Curriculum in Secondary schools in Temeke District in Tanzania. The study was guided by the following research questions: What is the assessment modes used in the implementation of competency based curriculum in secondary schools in Temeke district- Tanzania? Which resources are available for the assessment of the implementation of competence based curriculum in secondary schools in Temeke district-Tanzania? What are the teachers‟ skills and competency in assessing competence-based curriculum implementation in secondary schools in Temeke district-Tanzania? How do teachers use the assessment feedback to improve practical skills in secondary schools in Temeke District- Tanzania? The study targeted and sampled 7 head teachers, 115 teachers, 4 students, 1 district Education Officer, 1director of National Examination Council of Tanzania and 1 Director from Tanzania Institute of Education. Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods Research Design and Constructivism Learning theory guided the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides and were subject to content validity. Cronbach Alpha technique determined reliability for quantitative Likert scale items. In qualitative items‟ reliability was determined in terms of their credibility and dependability. Quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 23 to generate frequencies and percentages that summarized data. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and presented using narratives and direct quotes. Key findings showed that assessment skills in Competence Based Curriculum are not satisfactory. The mode of assessment used in schools was pen and paper. Lack of learning resources and inadequate teachers‟ natural sciences post a challenge assessment of practical skills. The study concluded that most teachers lacked competence in assessing practical skills. The study recommended that the Tanzania Institute of Education should prepare a document on assessment of practical skills and hold in service courses to equip teachers with skills they need handle Competence Based Curriculum.en-USCompetency Based CurriculumAssessmentASSESSMENT USED TO MEASURE PRACTICAL SKILLS IN COMPETENCE BASED CURRICULUM IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TEMEKE DISTRICT, TANZANIAThesis