Maria NtarangweStephen Asatsa (PhD)Elijah Macharia Ndung’u (PhD)2024-02-062024-02-062021-08ISSN 2454-6186http:// academic staff in the university is a vital component in enhancement of academic affairs in any university. Due to the unending changes and dynamics that increase pressure and work related stress that academic staffs are subjected to, they are required to develop high levels of adaptability in their careers to enhance creativity so that they remain relevant. The study sought to establish the correlates of career adaptability among the academic staff in selected universities in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study had several findings: There were high score in the four factors of adaptability including concern, curiosity, control and confidence. The highest score was recorded in concern (Mean= 4.24 and standard deviation 0.60) this was followed by control (Mean = 4.25 ± .58). Confidence amongst academic staff was slightly low (Mean = 4.12 ± .57). However the lowest was curiosity (Mean = 4.12 ± .61). Generally, the academic staff were adaptable to their work. The research also found out that career adaptability reduced with increase in age. However, it generally increased with the level of education and years of experience. The female gender scored higher than male in most of the constructs of adaptability. There were very slight differences in mean scores in career adaptability based on the type of university. However, a higher level of adaptability was noted in academic staff in private university compared to their counterparts in public university. The study therefore recommended that employers look out for levels of concern, curiosity, confidence and control of employees during recruitment so as to get adaptable employees. Self -awareness for employees is necessary to help determine their levels of adaptability. Employers too must prompt acquisition of soft skills in the employees in order to help their employees be more adaptable and hence perform better in their duties.en-USCareer AdaptabilityAcademic staffConcernCuriosityControlConfidence.Correlates of Career Adaptability among Academic Staff in Selected Universities in Nairobi County, KenyaArticle