PANCHOL, SUSAN NYIEL2023-12-182023-12-182023-07http://localhost:4000/handle/123456789/91MASTER DEGREE IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIESThis study investigated the role of Women led initiatives on their economic empowerment in Nyali Sub-county, Mombasa County, Kenya. The study objectives were to examine the influence of financial factors, the nature of income generating activities, role of Social factors and the regulatory framework on women economic empowerment in Nyali Sub-County, Mombasa County Kenya. The study was guided by the Liberal feminist and Schumpeter’s innovation theories. The researcher used descriptive survey research design with the help of mixed methods approach (qualitative and quantitative). Purposive sampling technique was used to recruit women engaged in economic activities from the two wards who had already been randomly selected for this study. The sample size from each ward was calculated using the Yamane survey sampling formula of 1967 (Sample size of 398). Proportionate stratified random sampling techniques were used to get women respond to the data collection tool (questionnaire) from the two wards. Government and Non-Governmental organizations’ representative in this study were selected purposively. Data was collected from 398 women respondents from Nyali sub-county and 7 key informants. Questionnaires were used to collect data from women. Interviews were done with government and Non-Governmental organization participants (key informants). After data collection, qualitative data was analyzed using verbatim and presented in narration. On the other hand, descriptive statistical techniques were used to analyze quantitative data with the help of the Statistical package for social sciences Programme (SPSS) version 27 and presented in tables, pie charts and bar charts. Data was later interpreted to give meaning focusing on the literature reviewed. In the study findings, women agreed to have had control over their income; their assets and control over how to spend their income. The study however established that women’s incomes sources were vulnerable to risk factors like inflation. Further findings established that it was difficult for women xiii to access financial loan services to establish small scale business. Women respondents reported that their jobs were not sustainable enough. Additionally, it was found that women and men did not control household resources and assets equally. Access of work permit to operate small business was found to be a complicated process. It was concluded that, women led initiatives were important for their economic empowerment despite the existing challenges. County and National governments were recommended to create conducive and enabling environment for investment and business in Nyali Sub-Countyen-USWOMEN LED INITIATIVESWOMEN EMPOWERMENTWOMEN LED INITIATIVES AND ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT IN NYALI SUB-COUNTY, MOMBASA COUNTY -KENYAThesis