Virginia Mwelu KitetuThomas OnyangoJackson Kioko KwanzaNicholas Muthama Mutua2024-02-082024-02-082020-05-18Virginia Mwelu Kitetu, Thomas Onyango, Jackson Kioko Kwanza, Nicholas Muthama Mutua. Determination of One Dimensional Temperature Distribution in Metallic Bar Using Green’S Function Method. American Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 1, No. 4, 2013, pp. 55-70. doi: 10.11648/j.ajam.20130104.14doi: 10.11648/j.ajam.20130104.14http:// present study focuses on determination of temperature distribution in one dimensional bar using Green’s function method. The Green’s Function is obtained using separation of variables, variation formulation principles and Heaviside functions. The Boundary Integral Equation is obtained using the fundamental solution, Divergence theorem, Green Identities, Dirac delta properties and integration by parts. The solution of heat equation given by the Green’s Function and the boundary integral equation has satisfied the uniqueness, regularity and stability of heat equation. The uniqueness, regularity and stability have been proved using smooth properties of class k function, Lyapunov function and 2 L Norm. The BEM implementation is performed using FORTRAN 95 software. Solutions to the test problems are presented and time dependence results are in agreement with computed analytical solutionsen-USGreen’s FunctionHeaviside FunctionSeparation of VariablesIntegration by PartsLyapunov FunctionDetermination of one dimensional temperature distribution in metallic bar using green’s function methodArticle