Titus Mutia KithomeDr. Wilkster M. ShanyisaDr. Stephen Asatsa2024-02-092024-02-092021-10Kithome, T. M., Syanyisa, W. M. & Asatsa, S. (2021). The role of community-based informal approaches in child protection in Mwingi Central Sub-county, Kitui County. Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education, 5(3), 104 – 115.SSN 2520-7504 (Online) study was designed to investigate the role of community-based informal approaches in child protection in Mwingi Central Sub County, Kitui County. In order to address the above-stated objective, the study adopted a transformative worldview with an emphasis on mixed methods research design. The study used both probability and non-probability sampling methods, and 2 divisions, 5 locations, and 24 villages were chosen for the study using simple random sampling. Data was collected from a sample of 399 adult members of the households using questionnaires; 24 children aged 12-17 years (both in and out of school) through in-depth interviews’; and from 10 key informants. The study was guided by the systems theory and the collected data was analyzed through thematic content analysis descriptive statistics which involved the use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. The study results revealed that members of the community were more familiar with and preferred the use of community-based child protection approaches than the formal government child protection units. The study recommends that child protection practitioners should strive to close the gap between the formal and informal community-based child protection approaches to ensure that there is a cohesive approach to child protection.en-USInformalformalChild protectionKinshipAbuseNeglectRole of Community-Based Informal Approaches in Child Protection in Mwingi Central Sub-County, Kitui CountyArticle