ANIKWATA, THERESA NNEKA (SR)2023-12-192023-12-192015-03http://localhost:4000/handle/123456789/100ThesisThis study investigated managing adult education in semi-arid environment the case of Turkana County, Kenya. The study sought to understand the training courses the managers undertake before and after their appointment, major roles of the manager, the managerial practices, challenges and ways to improve the management and ensure that expected outcome of the programme is achieved. The reviewed literature discussed factors that influence management and adult education such as socioeconomic effect on basic adult literacy. The study adopted mixed design approach constituting of survey design and phenomenology. The sample population of the study is 42; 3 managers, 7 facilitators and 32 adult learners. The study was guided by Freire and Mezirow transformational learning theory which anchored on learner centeredness, involvement, liberation, empowerment and motivation among others. The study was carried out in 5 centres from 3 different organizations namely Government, Catholic Church and Bible Society centres. The samples for the study were managers, facilitators and learners. The tools for data collection were questionnaires for both managers and facilitators while interview guides was used for learners. Observation schedule was done to assess the availability and condition of teaching learning facilities in the centres and to confirm some of the responses from questionnaires and interview guide. Quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Frequency and percentages were used to analyse and interpret quantitative data. Qualitatively, data were analyzed by coding and identifying emerging themes for interpretation. Research findings revealed that though managers and majority of the facilitators were trained, there was limited induction and in-service training to update AEP staff. Poverty level is still very high and remains one of the major challenges of the programme. There is also limited teaching/learning facilities and inadequate funds. Among others, suggested solutions to the problems managers confront is provision of adequate funds by ACEP providers. The study recommends that comprehensive adult education centres be established where literacy and numeracy and skills of various kinds are developed; and that learner’s interest, needs and context are put under consideration.en-USADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM--MANAGINGSEMI ARID ENVIRONMENTTURKANA--KENYAMANAGING ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM IN A SEMI ARID ENVIRONMENT IN TURKANA COUNTY, KENYA.Thesis