Magdalene MweleStephen Asatsa (PhD)Simon Kang’ethe (PhD)2024-02-062024-02-062022-01http:// behaviour is seen as a complex social and psychological phenomenon, associated with the way the person interacts with their environment. This would mean that deviant behaviour problem depends on the interaction between the personality and society. Deviant behaviour among teachers is in the rise assuming a global phenomenon. Although studies have been carried on deviant behaviours in school, majority of these researches are about students’ deviant behaviours sparing studies specifically on teachers’ deviance. Similarly, the approach used as an intervention measure to deviance is more punitive than supportive with skewed emphasis on disciplinary action and less focus on the psycho-social support. The purpose of this study was to assess the psychosocial correlates of deviant behaviour among teachers in public secondary school in Nairobi County. The study was guided by five research objectives namely to explore the motivation of deviant behaviours among teachers in public secondary schools, to determine the psychological correlates of deviant behaviour among teachers in public secondary schools, to determine the social correlates of deviance behaviour among teachers in public secondary schools, to examine the teacher’s perceptions towards the existing programs of managing psychosocial correlates of deviance among teachers in public and to establish the coping mechanisms used by teachers to deal with psychosocial correlates of deviance in public secondary schools. The study was anchored on two theoretical frameworks namely the Self-determination theory (SDT) and the Transactional Model and adopted the mixed methods embedded research design. The target population was 2387. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the 343 teachers, while purposive sampling was used to select the 30 principals and automatic inclusion technique to select those to participate in interview schedules. Quantitative data were collected using two standardized questionnaires namely the Multidimensional scaling toolwith reliability coefficient of 0.925. Qualitative data were collected using two interview guides for Principals (supervisors) and those participants who reported high level of deviance. Data analysis was done using Statistical package for Social Science, correlation analysis and thematic analysis backed by narratives. The study established positive significant correlation on deviance across psychological, social and demographic factors like, age and experience of the teachers. The study further established higher deviance among the less experienced teachers than those with more years of service. The results further showed that there was no significant correlation on deviance and gender. These findings may be relevant in designing future interventions for teachers with deviant behaviour and could enhance and complement the existing interventions. The study recommended further research on correlation on remuneration and deviance. The study recommended Psycho-social support programs be established by the employer to address deviance among teachers rather than disciplinary procedures as it is the practice currently in Kenya.Teacher deviancedemographic correlatespsychosocialDemographic Correlates of Deviance among Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya.